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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009



Happy New Year 2009


Carl Baydala's Bold Predictions for 2009
( scroll to bottom of page for details
on these breath-taking announcements )
Carl Baydala's
New Years Message:

Living in the past and living in the future,


A friend of mine thinks I spend too much time living in the past. Watch this short video below to see what I am talking about:



Now, I certainly appreciate my friends sending me things to let me know that I live in the past, but that should also let you know something about my personality and what my interests are as well. Maybe I do spend a lot of time in the past, harboring old dreams and wishes and that kind of thing. But, what is so wrong with that? I am still moving down the road and travelling into the future just like everyone else. I am just taking my baggage along with me on my journey. I think that is the best way to deal with this kind of criticism from my friend. I am taking along a suitcase full of memories - I am taking my friend that I think about all of the time with me on the road into the future. Is that so bad? To want to take your friends with you on the journey into the future? I do not think so. Think about a time when you went abroad somewhere and you took a friend with you on that trip. Did you ever have any conflicts about where to go and what to do? Did you even argue or fight about it? I remember one time I went on a trip with a friend somewhere and there was quite a bit of conflict about what to do and where to go. Well, living in the past with a friend solves this conflict for you. You can go on the journey of life into the future and take your very best friend, the one you really want to be with, with you. And, you get to call the shots on where you will go. Even though you may be crazy about your friend and really like them you get to have the say about where you will go and what you will do. Now, that is just one positive aspect of living in the past with a memory about a friend. Now, I know that sounds a little selfish on the surface, but it really is one of the positive features about living in the past.


The other great thing about living in the past is the fact that you do not lose sight of your roots and your dreams and your aspirations and that kind of thing. It also defines your personality as well. I am going into the future with a past - a very vibrant past. In fact, my past is so important to me I never want to let it go. Some people have a philosophy of discarding the past or their friends on a moment's notice. Perhaps this is where we came to develop something like the disposable society; you know fast restaurants like Mcdonald's and all the rest. Or, going through friends and relationships and just simply discarding them after you use them. Well, to me friends, really good friends ( or people that I want to be my friends ) are things that I do not simply use and then discard. That is why I spend so much time in the past and dwelling on things that I deem important. My friend thinks that I am spending too much time on one thing or one person. Well, the point is that I am spending time on something that is important to me. What happens when I quit doing that? Are you going to notice a change in Carl Baydala's behavior? Is he going to be a different person - a person of the future perhaps? No, Carl Baydala is not going to change, because if he did he would not be Carl Baydala. His personality is intact. And, part of that personality is living in the past. And, the harder he lives in the past will be an indication of just how important certain things are to him. I think if you take another look at Carl Baydala you will come to judge him a little differently. His living in the past I think you will find is a measure of his commitment to things that are important to him. He does not want to go into the future alone - he wants to take his friends with him. And, the harder he thinks about them is the measure of how strong he wants them to be there with him. This is my response to my friend's comments who I know only has my best interests at heart.


Happy New Year
to all of my friends, relatives,

and acquaintances....

Carl Baydala's Blogs and Related Links:
Carl Baydala's
Bold Predictions for 2009
Prediction # 1.
Carl Baydala will live until his 60th Birthday;
Prediction # 2.
George Bush really will leave the White House;
Prediction # 3
Barack Obama will shock the world with one of his policies;
Prediction # 4
Gladys Baydala will live to enjoy her 83rd Birthday;
Prediction # 5
Carl Baydala will not completely retire in 2009;
Prediction # 6
Carl Baydala will win a sizable win with his triactor betting system at the Meadowlands Racetrack in New Jersey;
Prediction # 7
Iran will survive another year of harassment by Israel and the U.S.;
Prediction # 8
The Toronto Stock Exchange will gain at least 5% by the end of the year;
Prediction # 9
Carl Baydala will ask Karen Lenihan to get married once again;
Prediction # 10
Carl Baydala will get married for the first time at the age of 60; it will be a marriage made in heaven and be sanctioned by the gods.

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