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Monday, June 08, 2009

J.P. Moreland - Clancy Martin Debate: " Does God Exist? "

The Existence of God is Under
Review Series
Debate between Dr. J.P. Moreland and Clancy Martin on
"Does God Exist".
Friends, here is yet another great debate on the existence of God. I must say that I was visibly impressed with the opening remarks of J.P. Moreland. He knows his stuff and is a genuine believer in the Entity. This is not to say, however, that Clancy Martin could not hold his own in this wonderful debate. Moreland concentrates on the Cosmological argument for the existence of God and also the Big Bang theory to explain the origins of the earth. This implies the idea of course that something created the universe and that something is God.
Martin, after responding to J.P's opening remarks describes himself as feeling like David v Goliath. Martin being David of course, but without the aid of being a Christian. But, Martin is not without some fine arguments of his own and the debate is certainly not a slum dunk in favour of the Christian believer. So.. sit back and listen to this very good discussion.
Video link:

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