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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Does the U.S. have the right to rule the world?

.Does the U.S. have the right to rule the world?


.by Carl Baydala


An honest question don't you think friends? Honest in the sense that we are asking a question about something that actually exists. That is to say that if you examine the current political and economic makeup of the world the U.S. maintains a central and strategic role. In fact, de facto, the U.S. is the ruler of the world - right now. I don't believe there is any other explanation for the current content of U.S. foreign policy, for example.

I don't think there is any question about it. I mean, if you look at U.S. foreign policy over the last few decades this is precisely what the U.S. is up to. It wants to control the world; all of its resources and all of its peoples. So, the only questions that remain are: does it have a right to do so and should we stand by and let it happen?

Well, in the first instance it does have a right to control the world if it has the will and the ability to execute its plans. I am sure that everyone is aware of the concept that might is right. What this idea means simply is that if you have the brute power to overcome and conquer your enemies by whatever means available to you then who is going to stop you? The U.S. is the only remaining Superpower in the world since the demise of the Soviet Union sometime ago - that competing empire simply collapsed during the Reagan Administration if you recall. The American Empire now has no competition and maintains a large system of military bases around to world to control and maintain its global ambitions.

The recent foray into the Middle East is no accident. If you believe in military dominance and ambition then you must realize that the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and ' beyond ' were simply meant to happen. They are the logical consequence of an empire wanting to expand its influence and control. With the collapse of the Soviet Union a large gaping hole was left open in the oil rich regions of the the Middle East and Central Asia. Now, the U.S. being a militaristic and ambitious nation was not about to let this opportunity get away - and it did not.

We are now aware of things like Neocons and their ambitious schemes to rule the world by full military presence. We have heard of concepts like ' Full Spectrum Dominance ' and ' The Project for the New American Century '. Not only are these concepts and ideas of military global aspirants, but they have now become real things. The U.S. engages now in war as a full-time occupation. The Military Industrial Complex and its spokesmen can easily acquire the necessary billions of dollars from subservient presidents and willing members of Congress. The money comes more easily now, especially with the advent of 9/11 and the so-called ' War on Terror. "

Like many, I have often wondered if 9/11 was a planned event, something conjured up by the Neocons themselves or by some other ' inside ' group of individuals who might prosper as a consequence of the attack. It would certainly explain a lot about American foreign policy if the attack was planned from within, or even capitalized upon by just ' Letting it Happen. ' We do not really know who did 9/11 to this very day. Could 19 Muslim hijackers, with very little aviation skills or planning and coordinating abilities pull it off? The evidence seems to go against the idea, especially when you consider the number of things that had to go right to make it happen. And, then there is all of the curious data that has emerged since the event itself. Some have even suggested that Coincidence Theory reigns over Conspiracy Theory for getting to the bottom of the event and supplying an adequate explanation. There are simply too many questions related to this event to allow anyone to make any kind of definitive opinion on the issue, but many are valiantly trying to do just that. And, the problems that do emerge from any enquiry only add more fuel to the fire, and in fact, suggest foul play. And, this foul play, whatever its origins and intentions has most definitely benefited a certain group of individuals. And, those individuals most particularly, are those engaged in the business of war and in world domination. So, whether 9/11 was mere opportunity or something contrived to satisfy a result becomes less of an issue when you consider the great benefits to those who prosper from war and want to control other regions of the world and destroy enemies and the enemies of their friends. 9/11 did the trick and a good opportunist is not going to stand by and let an opportunity go by the wayside. And, maybe this fact alone should allow the Neocons and their militaristic friends to control the reins of world government and all of the economic power that it entails.

The U.S is not only a vast military power but it has other means at its disposal as well. I have already mentioned how easy it is to acquire money for war. Presidents and members of Congress do not seem to bother with notions that war is bad or that the U.S. should not be a global power. They are all on board and believe in the idea of Empire. The bankers who gain from war are not going to argue about the issue and will simply create more money should the need arise. And, there are also those who gain from the current economic setup as well. Globalization has brought nations like China, Japan, and the other Asian manufacturers on board. They are the buyers of the U.S. debt that must be purchased for the Empire to continue on as it does. And, the game does continue, albeit somewhat unwillingly at times. But, continue it must. The recent financial crisis, for example, has brought to light just how powerful the Empire has become as well. The Empire, and its allies the bankers, caused a great deal of stress for the world to contend with, but with little dismantling of the Empire at all. Recessions and depressions can be managed. Lest we forget that that the bankers are the people who handle the multitude of transactions based on the U.S. dollar, the world's reserve currency. It is the job of the bankers, and the central bankers, to keep this dollar as strong as possible. Economic integration and war are means by which control is maintained. Success in war and punishing detractor states is an indication of Empire strength. And, it is all in aid of course for dollar dominance and total economic control. For, when the dollar itself collapses then the very idea of Empire and global dominance is put into jeopardy. U.S. politics and military ambitions mean that the militarists and the bankers must work together to keep the system afloat. They have to do whatever they can to prove to the world that the banking system is viable, that the dollar is strong, and that the U.S. Empire can continue to do what it wants to do. If foreign nations continue to buy U.S. debt then that is all of the proof that you will ever need to the game will continue and that the U.S. and its allies will continue to rule the world.

Another player that helps the U.S. Empire maintain its dominance is the controlled media. You will never hear a bad word about war from this part of the system. They are totally on board and will do whatever they can to portray the idea that whatever the U.S. military and government does is for the benefit of the people and nation of the U.S. The fact that the middle classes are going backwards and losing their jobs and their futures means little or nothing when you are fighting a War on Terrorism. The debt, now increasing by the trillions is a necessary cost of doing business. It is the job of the media to sell this idea as well as others, such as the bank bailouts, for example. Supposedly, the bank bailouts were executed to save the nation from financial Armageddon and to preserve the financial system as we know it. That is what the bankers and the politicians who work for them want us to believe. It is the job of the media to keep the game going and they are doing a very admirable job indeed. Either through censorship or biased reporting they get the job done. They are simply part of the propaganda team. The only detractors of course seem to be the players on the internet and in the alternative media. But, what concern are they when they have already elected a government that is totally beholding to the idea of Empire and the prosecution of war. They matter not - for the moment.

I am trying to paint a picture for you friends that aids the idea that the U.S. does really have a right to be the only Superpower in the world. They have earned that right, by their actions and by their ability to keep the system moving in their direction, by wealth and by stealth. They have devised an economic system that works for them. If other countries want to prosper then they must continue to play the game. They must continue to buy U.S. debt and they must not get overly troubled by overt and covert imperialism. There must be some kind of a payoff to all to adhere to the system. If the controllers of government can devise methods whereby they get people elected who will do what they want then who is to say that the globalists should not be leading a government of the world? Certainly no U.S. citizen that is for sure. If they are going to keep on voting for people who conduct war as a way of life and who believe in global dominance then isn't the electorate getting what they deserve and want? I am not not hearing any great clamoring from the masses that something is wrong and that they want dramatic change and end to world dominance and the current structure of things. Are you hearing such things coming from the media? Shouldn't they be the voices of discontent if they sense that something is amiss? Shouldn't they be on the lookout for the welfare of the public? Isn't that one of their primary functions and the reason why we allow them to stay in business? One would think so now wouldn't one? But, what do we have instead? Why, we have a completely complicit and non-productive media apparatus; it serves interests other than public ones. Well, isn't that the point of the whole thing friends? That the voices of those who are against the system as we have come to know it are like farts in the wind? What does the system care about those with no power? It cares not, nor should it care. The people get what they deserve. It has always been like that and forever shall be into the future. I trust, that, in a round about way, I have answered my opening questions for you

Related material for your consideration:

Hegemony or Survival - America's quest for global dominance, by Noam Chomsky

above added on August 31, 2011

Discussion on Egyptian Revolution, Middle East politics and U.S. imperialism:

The Ugly Truth: February 1, 2011

Friends, here is a great set of videos by John Perkins. You may remember him from the " Confesssions of an eonomic hit man " fame. Well, here he is again detailing for us the role of the " Corporatocracy " in the fulfillment of U.S. imperialism throughout the globe. Somebody has to do the job right? Well, if it isn't big gobs of payoff money  or the jackals, then it is the US military that does the job of controlling the countries of the world. At any rate, the U.S. is still in charge of the world and these following three videos and Mr. John Perkins will explain why:

The role of the corporatocracy in the fulfillment of U.S. imperialism.
above added on January 25, 2011

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