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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Carl Baydala at Sixty: Diamonds, Erotic Love, and Philosophy

Carl Baydala at Sixty:
Erotic Love,
and Philosophy

Well, here I am on my sixtieth birthday - the diamond anniversary. Diamonds are supposed to be a girl's best friend, so maybe this fact will help me out with my love life.
Speaking of my love life, as my regular readers know, I have been contemplating ideas about erotic love, and love in general, for the past quarter century or so. This really has been a full time occupation of mine and the origins of the interest are based on personal experiences and the influence of an acquaintance of mine. In fact, my interest in things like Erotic love shows up as a regular feature in my blog.
Well, now that I am sixty and in my diamond year, so to speak, perhaps things will improve for me. Maybe love and Diamonds, coming together as they are now, can be transformed into something more real and meaningful for me. Diamonds are supposed to be a girl's best friend, so maybe this sixty year old person can now impress the girl of his dreams and use his age to his advantage.
Now, I have just told you about this small detail of erotic love which is part of my life experiences. Plato, the Greek philosopher, dealt with this issue over 2000 years ago. There are two kinds of love ( Romantic love ) according to Plato; there is erotic or physical love and there is the virtuous brand. To simplify things for you, Plato is saying that an over emphasis on physical love is a bad thing. And, doing things for your lover out of true love is much preferred. Listen to the discussion on erotic love just below here ( Plato and erotic love ) and also the discussion of love in Philosophy Talk found at the bottom of this page.
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You can read about Plato's famous dialogue below:

and listen to a very good analysis of erotic love on Philosophy Bites.

So, I was just thinking, now that I am in my diamond year so to speak, perhaps there is hope in my personal love endeavors. Maybe I can make myself into a diamond as it were and try and impress the girl that I am interested in. Not a physical diamond of course, but perhaps something as equally attractive in the eyes of my beloved. Girls love diamonds and they truly are forever. And, I am now a diamond kind of person. I think that might be an interesting route to take. I will attempt therefore to make myself as attractive as any diamond could possibly be.
* * * * * * * * * *
Another problem that is developing in my life is the fact that I might actually be getting married in this my diamond year. I told you about this detail in my Bold Predictions in prior posts concerning the possibility of me getting married. It would be a special kind of wedding of course as you would not expect anything else from me. Now, this poses a real problem for me - this whole business of getting married, I mean. The problem is that I would like to become a bachelor philosopher and this most surely cannot be accomplished if I get married. I mean, just think of the problems that could occur if I was to get married. For example, a philosopher needs to think - all of the time - and without interruption. What if I was to become married and me and my wife were driving down the road. And, myself in complete thought of course and my spouse blurted out: " Honey can you pull over right now I have to go to the bathroom " Well, can you just imagine the problems that would create? And, I am sure there would be numerous other examples as well. Where would my freedom go? But, I think you can see my point. A wife would be a distraction to a thinker. How would I keep her from talking or otherwise bothering my train of thought? I really do need to tread cautiously here as regards this marriage business. However, I have promised my readers that some type of marriage would occur this year. And, I am still planning for that event and it is incumbent upon me to make that happen for you.
Have a nice day and see you all at the racetrack one of these Saturdays.
see also the entry on love in:
revised on Saturday, February 7, 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whats up