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Friday, March 20, 2009

If You're So Smart How Come You're Not Rich?

If You're So Smart
How Come You're Not Rich?
Carl Baydala in 1967
An interesting philosophical question to be sure, and a fitting one for any philosopher who would be willing to take it on.
I see no need to take it on because if I did it would just leave me open to criticism, from my critics that is. And, I am sure they are numerous so why give them fodder when I have the ability not to? An appropriate defense don't you think?
But, the question remains of course: if I am so smart how come I am not rich? My answer is: First of all, I might not be that smart anyway, but smart enought to survive. And, secondly, regarding the idea of richness: I am rich, in my own way. Maybe not monetarily as society determines richness, but rich in another way perhaps. Is this a philosophical answer? No, not necessarily, it is only philosophical if you do not agree with me. Otherwise, you will completely understand where I am coming from. Did Jesus Christ need a bunch of dough to impress the chicks and his followers? Not likely. He had something else to offer: a way of life and a road to eternity. So, he had something really good to sell to the public. He didn't need money and wealth and a bunch of status symbols to make his mark in society. And, neither does Carl Baydala. Carl Baydala is rich because he is alive and because he has someone to believe in, namely himself and the girl of his dreams. Pretty basic stuff eh? Well, that is my definition of richness and that is all that counts to me. So, have a nice day.
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