The Philosophers are saying marry ugly....
Friends, you and I both know that there is no such thing as an ugly woman. All women are beautiful in their own way. In fact, all people are beautiful if you just take time to examine them. Falling in love with a so-called ' beautiful ' or ' pretty ' woman though can sometimes make things problematic for those who fall in love with such a person. If I, or anyone else finds a woman desirable then quite possibly, others are going to come to the same conclusion about her. We soon discover that we have a problem on our hands. And, that is the fact that the woman in question is going to quickly realize that she is desirable once she notices that many others are clamoring to win her hand or otherwise spend some time with her. She most likely will become quite picky about her suitors. So, that means competition friends and it also spells trouble for the potential losers in these kinds of situations as well as you might expect. Now, you certainly cannot blame the woman for making her choices. She is deemed to be beautiful and she would be stupid to not capitalize on her favoured position. So, what we have to do here friends is to try and soften the blow to the failed suitors or the non-winners if you like. We need to offer these poor souls some advice in these kinds of situations; i.e. trying to win a beautiful women in a sea of suitors, so to speak. Now, whether they take that advice or not is simply a matter of how common-sensical they are. Some people will simply not listen to reason of course. There really is a way out of this kind of situation friends. You do have options for your emotional survival. There are beautiful girls, and well, there are the other girls too - the overlooked girls if you like. Guys simply need to take a second look at so-called ' Ugly Women ', ugly being defined of course as not being so highly in demand as some of the other girls. Friends, please take this advice. You don't need to waste you time in these kinds of situations; i.e. pursuing beautiful and unattainable woman. In many cases they are simply not worth the effort anyway. Mostly, dealing with highly desirable women is just a recipe for pain and disappointment anyway; it is a colossal waste of time. There are options friends and they look like very good options indeed if you take time to study a situation like this. Hit on and pursue that so-called ugly woman. And, don't forget: if you are successful in your endeavours you are still getting a woman- even if she is deemed to be ugly. But, rest assured that she will not be anything resembling ugly - she will become beautiful in fact and in every sense of the word. This so-called ugly woman may not be your first choice, but she will be an all woman all the time. Count on it! And, she is going to be faithful and she is going to make you a very happy man indeed. So, marry her if she likes you and be done with the issue. Let the other guys deal with the pain, you don't need it. .... But, there is more friends. Much more indeed. What if you are the successful suitor of the so-called beautiful woman and you do actually win her hand in marriage? Then what happens? Well, most likely the beautiful woman will turn into a two-timer. Not guaranteed of course, but the potential is certainly there is it not? And, why shouldn't the beautiful woman play the field so to speak? She is beautiful and she needs to build and capitalize on that beauty. So, listen to what the philosophers are saying friends. They are suggesting that you don't have to necessarily marry a beautiful woman if you want to be happy. They are saying: marry that ugly woman if she comes your way and don't even think about it, just do it.
So, lessen your risk and marry ugly.
Looking at things in another way; the failed suitors are already the winners because they will not have to deal with a potential unfaithful wife. So, it is the winners who potentially turn out to be the losers, happily married to their unfaithful wife if you know what I mean - and the losers who potentially turn out to be the winners - because they get to marry an ' ugly ' but faithful companion. So, this is where losing actually becomes winning. Isn't philosophy great friends?
So, think about it. Philosophy is a really cool thing and, it is this basic if you want it to be:
Here is a sixties song which, hopefully, will explain everything for you;
Jimmy Soul - If you wanna be happy
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The above offered as a public service by the author.
Other similar offerings include the following:
How To Pick Up Women....
The above offered as a public service by the author.
Other similar offerings include the following:
How To Pick Up Women....
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