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Friday, August 15, 2008

My Mother was a Prostitute

My Mother was a Prostitute
by Carl Baydala
Well, now that I have your attention, I should like to categorically state that my mother was not a prostitute. If she was I certainly do not know of the fact. I do not believe it to be true, and even if it was true I would not be inclined to believe it.
And, I would not want to believe if it even if a number of people were to attest to the veracity of the statement. I would want them to provide proof as well. And, upon receipt of this proof I would most likely still deny and convince myself that all of these people were simply conspiring against me and trying to make me feel bad, for whatever reason. I would deny any proofs supplied and I would choose to live a life of denial. I do not want to hear this kind of information as it would upset my view of life and cause me to question those things that I hold dear. My mother is good and not bad. That is my opinion. My position in society would be unsettled and I would feel cheated by such a thing as my mother being something that I had not made her out to be. I would prefer the status quo as opposed to someone trying to upset my mental stability. I would grab onto and comfort myself in denial. That would be my defence and I would wrap my arms around it as if my life depended upon it.
But, consider also the number of people who believe in God and country. These are steadfast things for them and anyone trying to upset beliefs and attitudes regarding them by providing information that God did not exist or that one's government would actually work against their most basic aims in life could not be tolerated. God exists because I know He does and He is that idea that makes sense out of the world for me. Any detractor of God and what He stands for is a liar, is misinformed, and has a poor conception of man and his role in the world. God must exist because there is no other way to explain the world and the events that occur within it. If people were to imply that God was simply a myth, for example, I could not accept that opinion. For me it would remain forever an opinion, and never anything else than that.
And, so it is with one's very own government. It is not conceivable to a citizen that an individual's government could cause or be associated with a cause that would lend harm to any of its citizens. That is not what government does, nor can it ever do. Anyone who lays blame or criticizes his government to such a degree must surely be delusionary and maladjusted. He would also most likely be un-Godlike, since one holding atheist opinions would be the type of person would be prone to be overcritical of his government. These are the kind of people who believe in conspiracies, conspiracies of a nature that are different than those acknowledged by mainstream participants. If one is naturally against authority, such as God, he is most likely naturally against the authority of his government. We can ascribe these kinds of beliefs to his character.
One needs to deny the detractors if they are in the business of upsetting the status quo. No person can call my mother a prostitute, deny the existence of God, or accuse my government of an act of gross misconduct or treason. To even hint at such things makes me question his very character. I would be on the offensive, not the defensive. To be on the defensive would be a form of weakness and I cannot do that if I believe the kinds of things that I do. My denial would aid me in my opposition to the naysayers. I would formulate in my mind the strongest arguments against them and throw them at the accusers of my beliefs. God exists, I love my country and my country and its leaders can do no harm to me or anyone. My mother is beautiful and pure and knows no sense of impropriety. I know these things to be self-evident and I defend them all with my life. For in denial is comfort and safety; safety in all of my thoughts and beliefs. To cause a bruise in my beliefs cannot be tolerated, let alone a blow that would find its way to mortality.
Watch the video below:

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