What is compassion?....
by Carl Baydala
What is compassion?....
by Carl Baydala
I want to talk about compassion and its relationship to love. What is love? Love is a human emotion characterized by a state of well-being. Where does love come from? Love comes from loving something. Why do people love something or fall in love and just what is love? The state of being in love is a product of the complete acceptance of another human being; you love someone for what they are and the effect that they have upon you, simply by knowing them and being near to them; you willingly accept and emotionally desire and want to be with another human being because THEY MAKE YOU HAPPY. Your beloved can do no wrong because you have determined that his or her inherent qualities, be they psychological or physical or both, are capable of arousing a passion within you. You love out of self interest of course because that is the human way. This passion or desire is commonly known as love. Compassion enters the picture when someone in love is capable of recognizing how the state of love comes about; they become knowledgeable and sensitive to the needs of their partners. You know that you are in love, but you also know that your partner needs to be satisfied as well; your partner has needs and desires that need to be addressed; you become compassionate and an understanding lover when you become sensitive to these issues. Knowing these things indicates a degree of compassion therefore. Compassion then, is just another way of indicating understanding or allowing for the needs of others, be it with your lover or any anyone that you should encounter in your daily affairs. That is because being compassionate is a transferable skill, once acquired. If you know true love and how to manage it properly then you should emit compassion in all of your relationships for that is the lesson of love. But, the point dear friends is that we really never do get away completely from this business of fulfilling our own basic needs. Love is a great thing. And, recipricol love is even better. But, to achieve that desired emotional response from another human being one needs to show compassion. You have to give and you have to mean it and you have to do it honestly. And, in giving you receive. I think things really are that simple.
amended ever so slightly on Sunday January 2, 2011 at approximately 6:31 AM
amended ever so slightly on Sunday January 2, 2011 at approximately 6:31 AM
1 comment:
"Hatred, jealousy and excessive attachment cause suffering and agitation. I feel compassion can help us overcome these disturbances and let us return to a calm state of mind. Compassion is not just being kind to your friend. That involves attachment because it is based on expectation. Compassion is when you do something good without any expectations – based on realizing that “the other person is also just like me”"
-- Dalai Lama
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